upCore: Liquidity Farming Without Inflation

2 min readOct 19, 2020

upCore is a protocol for liquidity farming with a supply cap. Unlike other farming protocols, tokens are generated on a block-by-block basis, making the value decrease every block. upCore, inspired by CORE, is a protocol that doesn’t have a generation of new coins. Stakers are paid with fees that are collected when $UPCORE is transferred between people. This way, the supply does not inflate the value of $UPCORE, ensuring a stable system for investors to farm.

Distribution of $UPCORE

upCore Distribution will be done via a Liquidity Pool Distribution event. This was chosen to distribute $UPCORE so that once the event is over and people start farming, people who own UNIv2-LP tokens will start farming and start earning on their tokens, with a value. However, after the event, only new UNI-v2-LP tokens can be created, and you will not be able to swap them back for $UPCORE and $ETH.

Encourages buying over selling by nature

$UPCORE is designed to promote investors and holders to buy and hold the coin, instead of selling $UPCORE. The vault/contracts are built to collect fees on every transfer of $UPCORE, sent to the dev and the farming pools. This, along with a finite supply, incentives holders to keep the coin instead of moving it from place to place or selling it, and provides rewards to pool farmers.

Deflationary Farming

UPCORE will have a total max supply of only 10,000 tokens.
We decided to implement a token burn vote to ensure that non-LP holders can also receive benefits just by holding UPCORE tokens. This will in turn benefit the LP holders as well, as increased buying pressure will be good for the volume, and consequently their own fees.
On each deposit of liquidity, a specific % of the UPCORE tokens would be burned. The % itself will be determined by the UPCORE holders through on-chain governance, in the form of a vote.

Because of the token burn, UPCORE will be deflationary and, therefore, continuously reduce its total supply.

However this feature will be active later on, once community governance is implemented.

Website: https://upcore.finance
💬 Telegram community: https://t.me/upcore
🔔 Telegram announcements: https://t.me/upcorefinance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/upcoreV1

